Why Big Data

By Toyin Akin,

  Filed under: Big Data
  Comments: None


Toyin Akin spent 6 years at “Royal Bank of Scotland” and 5 years at the investment bank “BNP Paribas”  developing and managing Interest Rate Derivatives services as well as engineering and deploying In Memory DataBases (Oracle Coherence), NoSQL and Hadoop clusters (Cloudera) into production.

In 2016, Toyin left to start his own training, POC-D.
“Proof Of Concept – Delivered”, which focuses on delivering training on
In Memory Database, NoSQL, BigData and DevOps technology.

I have started a YouTube Channel, publishing “free” distributed computing videos. These are not courses. Simply ad-hoc videos discussing various distributed computing ideas.

Within Royal Bank of Scotland …

Responsible for engineering DEV and PRODUCTION stacks to support Cloudera Hadoop and Oracle Coherence providing deployment and realtime monitoring.

I successfully engineered an Oracle Coherence stack (Deployment/Monitoing/Managing) which has been deployed globally within the bank.

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