Explore our Hadoop Courses

Here I present a curriculum as to the current state of my Cloudera courses.
My Hadoop courses are based on Vagrant so that you can practice and destroy your virtual environment before applying the installation onto real servers/VMs.
For those with little or no knowledge of the Hadoop eco system Udemy course : Big Data Intro for IT Administrators, Devs and Consultants
I would first practice with Vagrant so that you can carve out a virtual environment on your local desktop. You don’t want to corrupt your physical servers if you do not understand the steps or make a mistake. Udemy course : Real World Vagrant For Distributed Computing
I would then, on the virtual servers, deploy Cloudera Manager plus agents. Agents are the guys that will sit on all the slave nodes ready to deploy your Hadoop services Udemy course : Real World Vagrant – Automate a Cloudera Manager Build
Then deploy the Hadoop services across your cluster (via the installed Cloudera Manager in the previous step). We look at the logic regarding the placement of master and slave services. Udemy course : Real World Hadoop – Deploying Hadoop with Cloudera Manager
If you want to play around with HDFS commands (Hands on distributed file manipulation). Udemy course : Real World Hadoop – Hands on Enterprise Distributed Storage.
You can also automate the deployment of the Hadoop services via Python (using the Cloudera Manager Python API). But this is an advanced step and thus I would make sure that you understand how to manually deploy the Hadoop services first. Udemy course : Real World Hadoop – Automating Hadoop install with Python!
There is also the upgrade step. Once you have a running cluster, how do you upgrade to a newer hadoop cluster (Both for Cloudera Manager and the Hadoop Services). Udemy course : Real World Hadoop – Upgrade Cloudera and Hadoop hands on